Form 2290 HVUT
Payment Methods
Know the payment methods to pay your
2290 taxes online
IRS HVUT Form 2290 Payment
Updated on March 31, 2023 - 10:30 AM by Admin, ExpressEfile
E-filing your Form 2290 with ExpressEfile is much easier as your Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT) will be calculated automatically. We will calculate your HVUT amount accurately based on your vehicle’s First Used Month (FUM) and taxable gross weight.
Let’s take a look at the different HVUT payment options and how to pay your taxes.
In this article, we cover the following topics:
1. The IRS Tax Payment methods for Paying 2290 Taxes
The IRS offers four payment options for the filers to pay their Form 2290 tax dues.
- Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)
- Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
- Check or Money Order
- Credit or Debit Cards (temporarily suspended)
2. Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW)
EFW is an electronic payment option offered to taxpayers by the IRS to pay the federal taxes online. If you choose EFW as your payment option while filing your Form 2290 return, you must provide the following information.
- Bank Account Number
- Bank Routing Number
- Type of Account (Check or Savings)
Make sure to double-check the bank information provided before transmitting your return to the IRS. Once you provide these details and transmit the return, the payable HVUT amount will be debited directly from your account by the IRS. The IRS will debit the amount from your account within 1 or 2 days after the return has been transmitted. If you transmit the return on weekends or holidays, the IRS will process it only on the next business day. If you want Schedule 1 immediately, you have to choose other payment options.
The amount deducted from your account will appear in your next bank statement. To cancel a payment, contact IRS E-File Payment Services at 1-888-353-4537 within at least two business days after you transmit the return.

Note: This payment option is available only when you e-file your return. If you e-file your 2290 return using ExpressEfile, you can select it and transmit the return
to the IRS.
3. Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS)
EFTPS is a tax payment system provided by the U.S. Department of Treasury for free. If you choose EFTPS as your payment method while filing your Form 2290, you must initiate the payment yourself. After you transmit your return to the IRS, you must initiate the payment by visiting the EFTPS website.
If you do not have an EFTPS account, you can create a new free account by visiting the EFTPS website or by contacting 1-800-555-4477. It might take up to 10 business days to set up an EFTPS account.
You must make your HVUT payment through EFTPS within the filing deadline. Please make sure you schedule the payment at least by 8 PM EST, before the deadline, to give the IRS enough time to debit the funds from your account. When you e-file your return with ExpressEfile, we’ll send you a reminder.
4. Check or Money Order
You can also send in a check or money order directly to the IRS, to pay your Form 2290 tax dues. If you choose check or money order as your payment method, you must print your payment voucher 2290-V, from your Form 2290, and mail it to the IRS along with your payment. When you e-file your return ExpressEfile, we’ll generate the voucher and send it
to you.
Here’s how you can mail your payment to the IRS:
- Make your check or money order payable to "United States Treasury". Please DO NOT send cash.
- Mention your Employer Identification Number, daytime phone number, date, and the text "IRS Form 2290" on your check or money order.
- Print and enclose the payment voucher 2290-V with the check or money order.
- Make sure NOT to staple your check or money order to the voucher.
Mail the check with voucher 2290-V to the following address:
Internal Revenue Service
P.O. Box 932500
Louisville, KY 40293-2500

Note: You must use the U.S. Postal Service to mail the check with payment voucher to an IRS P.O. box address. Do not use private delivery services.
5. Credit or Debit Card
The IRS has temporarily suspended the payment of HVUT through credit/debit cards. HVUT payments through credit/debit cards are expected to resume from January 1, 2022.
6. Deadline and Penalties
The deadline to file Form 2290 for the 2022-2023 tax year is August 31, 2022. If you miss paying the HVUT taxes or filing Form 2290 before the deadline, the IRS may impose penalties. Click here to know details on 2290 penalties.
E-File Form 2290 With ExpressEfile
ExpressEfile offers the lowest price of $14.90 for filing Form 2290. File your Form 2290 and get your Schedule 1 in minutes.
E-File 2290 Now