Integrate TaxBandits API to E-file Form 1099, W-9, 941, 940 and 1095
Within Your Existing Software
Get Started Now
Steps to Integrate TaxBandits API with Your Software

Create a Free Sandbox Account to get started with TaxBandits API.

Test and deploy APIs in a sandbox to ensure smooth integration.

Integrate the API seamlessly into your application and drive innovation.
Services Offered by TaxBandits API
Federal and State Support
With TaxBandits API integration, you can efficiently e-file tax forms with both federal and state agencies.
W-9 and 1099 Automation
Say goodbye to manual processes by automating the W-9 and 1099 processes.
Recipient copy Distribution
Let TaxBandits deliver the recipient copies on time via Custom Postal Mailing or Secure Online Access.
A Developer-Friendly API that Comes with Exclusive Tools and Resources
Use our secure sandbox environment to simulate the end-to-end e-filing process to understand how it works.
Develop with confidence using our SDK libraries available in Java, Node JS, .Net, and Python.
Clear Documentation
Get complete guidance for each API endpoint with detailed instructions and sample requests/responses.
Advanced Security
Never worry about the security of your data, as TaxBandits is a SOC-2-certified company with standard security protocols
in place.
Forms Supported by TaxBandits API
1099 Forms
- Form 1099-NEC
- Form 1099-MISC
- Form 1099-K
- Other 1099 Forms
Payroll Forms
- Form W-2
- Form 941
- Form 940
- Form 941 / 940 Schedule R
- Form W-9
- TIN Matching
- Form 1095-C
- Form 8809