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Form 1099-NEC Instructions for
2024 Tax Year
This article covers the following topics:

Step by Step Instructions for filing Form 1099-NEC for 2024 tax year
Updated on November 08, 2024 - 1:30 AM by Admin, ExpressEfile
Form 1099-NEC, it isn’t a replacement of Form 1099-MISC, it only replaces the use of Form 1099-MISC for reporting the Nonemployee Compensation paid to independent contractors.
Read on to learn the step-by-step instructions for
filing Form 1099-NEC
and more:
1. Form 1099-NEC Overview
Previously, you would be including non-employee compensation in Box 7 on
Form 1099-MISC, but now it is turned into “Payer made direct sales of $5,000 or more of consumer products to a buyer (recipient) for resale”. In 2024, “Non-employee Compensation” must be reported by using Form 1099-NEC. Any payer who has paid at $600 as compensation for the services performed by the independent contractors must file Form 1099-NEC.
2. Form 1099-NEC Boxes - A Detailed Look
Form 1099-NEC contains 7 boxes, and each box has its own purpose.
Basic information
When filing a 1099 form, the first step is to enter the basic information about the payer and the recipient. You must provide the following information about the payer
and recipient.
Payer information:
Enter the payer’s name, address, and telephone number.
Taxpayer Identification Number:
When filing Form 1099-NEC, it’s mandatory to enter the nine-digits of the payer’s EIN/SSN in the
respective field -
Recipient Information:
Enter the recipient’s name and valid address associated with recipient’s details.
Recipient’s TIN:
enter the nine-digits of the recipient’s EIN/SSN in the respective field
Account Number
You need to enter an account number when you file more than one form of 1099-NEC for the recipient. The account number must also be provided when you check the box of FATCA filing requirements. It’s also encouraged by the IRS to designate an account number for every Form 1099-NEC you file.
2nd TIN not
If the payee provided an incorrect TIN and the IRS has notified the payer twice within 3 calendar years, check this box so that IRS will not send any notice regarding this account.
Provide Tax return information
This part of the field involves the following information about Non-employee compensation, Federal income tax, and state income reported in the
Form 1099-NEC -
Box 1 - Nonemployee compensation
In this field, you enter the Nonemployee compensation, which includes the following payment types to contractors:
- Fees
- Commissions
- Prizes
- Awards
- Other forms of compensation for services
If you have paid any workers $600 or more in nonemployee compensation, fill out
Form 1099-NEC -
Box 4 - Federal Income Tax Withheld:
Here you are supposed to enter the Federal income tax withheld, i.e., backup withholding. If a person didn’t furnish their TIN, the reported payment in Box 1 would be withheld.
Box 5 - 7 - State income tax reporting:
Box 5 - State tax withheld
If the state tax is applicable in your state, enter the state tax withholdings. Payments can be reported for up to 2 states.
Box 6 - State/Payer’s state no
Here provide the abbreviated form of the states and state identification number
of the payer. -
Box 7 - State income
In this field, enter the amount of the state payment
Box 5 - State tax withheld
3. Form 1099-NEC Copies - Explained!
There are five copies of the 1099-NEC Form Form and the copies made available are:
- Copy A - Sent to the IRS (Internal Revenue Service)
- Copy 1 - Sent to the State tax department
- Copy B - For the recipient
- Copy 2 - For the recipient to file with his/her state income tax return
- Copy C - For Payer to keep for your own business records

Make sure you send the recipient copies
(Copy B & copy 2) before January 31st. If the
1099-NEC deadline falls on a weekend or a legal holiday, the deadline will be the next business day.
4. E-File Form 1099-NEC Easily with ExpressEfile
With ExpressEfile, you can e-file Form 1099-NEC easily and get instant status notifications via email once the IRS processes your return. Also, your form will be validated in order to avoid IRS rejection. To send recipient copies, simply opt for postal mailing add-on to send the copies on
your behalf.
Just follow the simple steps below to
File Form 1099-NEC Online through ExpressEfile for the lowest price (0.80/form). And, e-file with the postal mail option is available for $0.50form.
- 1. Enter the form information
- 2. Review your form
- 3. Transmit it directly to the IRS